Mission: The mad scientist

1.Talk to Agent Scarlet, She will tell you to go to lighthouse
2. Go to lighthouse. You will get thrown out by robots.
3. Go back to mission center and talk to Agent Scarlet.
4. Talk to her again
5. Search for armor Zoom around and click on the pieces
First piece is when you click zoom
second peice

Third piece 
Fourth piece
Fifth piece
Sixth piece 
6. Talk to agent Scarlet, Talk to her again. She'll tell you on the second time you talk to her to head back to the lighthouse and beat the robots.
Jump and avoid the attacks. Hold to charge up to get a big attack.
7. After you beat the robots. Go beat the weatherbot 
~ Tip ~ Try to get the opposite of wut the weatherbot picks heres the thing you need to know:
After you win, its a animated video. Eventually after the video you'll get a medal ;) it wont show if your a non sorry!
 lol :3

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