Mission: The missing bear cub

1. Go to the forest. The bear cub is on the right of the forest. Go talk to the little guy ;) He will tell you that hes hungry and lost. Your first offer would be Apples and cake but he denies. He will tell you that he wants 25 fish.
2. After you talked to him head to creature arena and play bobo fish! Get a score of 25.
It will say this after you got a score of 25 or more :3
3. Head back to the bear cub. Talk to him. Talk to him again. He'll ask you if you could do him one more favor. He wants you to find his lost bear parents. He says that he last saw him by the mountains before he was lost.
4. Head to mt fantage. You would find huge bear tracks heading behind the trees. Go toward the trees. You will find the bear cub's parents trapped inside a cage. Talk to them.
They need you to find the 3 keys to get them out.
5. The first key is from a pirate at the beach. go to the far left to find him.
He's going to challenge you with a game of rock paper scissors. Good luck 
The second key is from a guy right outside stellers salon. You have to guess which cup is the ball under ;)
the third key is from a clown lady right outside the arcade
Shes going to challenge you with a game of simon says
6. After you get all the keys go back to the bear cub's parents. When you open up the cage a helicopter appears and captures the bear cub's parents. And yeti falls from a mountain o.o
Click on The yeti. You will both team up together to beat the helicopter.
7. Move away from the exploding boxes. ~ Tip ~  Grab the boxes that are starting to count from 3 and throw them at the helicopter ;)
Keep doing this till the helicopter dies!
After you beat the helicopter you'll get your medal ;)
Your prize:

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