Mission:Who broke top models

1. Go to top models, at downtown and talk to officer Russel
2. After you talk to officer Russel, Go inside Top models inc. and click on the rock near the desk
3. Go back and talk to Officer Russel,When he says: We dont know, it's like That rock MAGICALLY  appeared. Head to wizards domain and talk to the wizard lady. She'll tell you that you need to get the blue mushroom,yellowflower, and the pink coconuts
4. The blue mushroom is at creature arena and is near the creature shop
The yellow flower is right in front of the carnival game Putt putt
The pink coconuts is on the steps of The palm: Dance club at the beach
5. After you Gather all those head back to wizards domain and talk to the wizard lady
6. She'll tell you to go to the right side of the grotto, Look for the gnome right in front of lucky bobs. Click on him and talk to him.
He'll prolly escape after you talk to him.
7. Go back to wizards domain and talk to the wizard lady. Offer her punch and pie
8. Go to star cafe and click on the pie on the counter 
Now go to the beach and on the table there is punch! click on it!

9. After you get the pie and punch head back to Wizards domain and talk to the wizard lady.
10. Our plan is to trap the gnome with a net! 
Head to the creature shop and click on the huge net!
11. Go back to wizards domain talk to the wizard lady and she'll tell you to head to the forest to capture the gnome
12. Talk to the wizard lady and she'll tell you that your slow... >.< Then she'll tell you to go to Officer russel and tell him everythings okay
13. He'll give you your prize!

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